In the 41st season of "Sesame Street" , this week on the web they release teaser clips featuring Jude Law,, Run-Dmc's Revered Run and Colin Farrell.
One of the contreversy in the web right now is a 2 1/2 minute video of Katy Perry that sing her 2008 hit "Hot N Cold" with Elmo. The issue was about the outfit of Katy Perry was not appropriate for the show and for the perception of children ages one to six.
One of the contreversy in the web right now is a 2 1/2 minute video of Katy Perry that sing her 2008 hit "Hot N Cold" with Elmo. The issue was about the outfit of Katy Perry was not appropriate for the show and for the perception of children ages one to six.
After it hits on youtube a lot of parents checking out the video and began leaving critical comments like: "Couldn't she wear something that was more. oh idk. APPROPRIATE" and "I DO NOT want my five year old lookin at [that]!"
On the other hand the Sesame Workshop, the company that produces the show, says regarding this controversy, they decided to pull the song from the broadcast version of the program, which is aimed at preschoolers.
But the video remained online at And also it could be watch on YouTube.